church of Christ Sermon Outlines

Great Characters of the Bible

Ruth – רוּת – Ῥούθ


I) Meaning of the name

A) Ruth – רוּת – Ῥούθ

1) Friendship

B) Boaz – בֹּעַז – Βοόζ

1) Quickness

C) Naomi – נָעֱמִי

1) Pleasant

2) Mara – מָרָא

(a) Bitter

D) Orpah – עָרְפָה

1) Mane

E) Obed – עוֹבֵד

1) Worshipper

II) Family Background

A) Ruth was not a Hebrew, she was a Moabite. 

1) Ruth 1:16-17

2) Ruth 2:12

B) Ruth was widowed before she had children. 

1) Leviticus 25

2) Deuteronomy 25:5-6

3) Ruth 4:9

4) Ruth 4:16

C) Boaz’s mother was Rahab.

III) Old Testament teachings

A) A man’s teaching

1) A picture of Christian salvation?

(a) The first two chapters represents the Christian’s part.

(i) Chapter 1 – Belief

· Ruth decides to follow Yahweh. As we must.

(ii) Chapter 2 – Service of God

· Ruth’s labor in Boaz’s fields, is equated to the Christian’s service for God.

(b) The second two chapters are God’s part

(i) Chapter 3 – Ruth’s Rest

· Boaz promises to provide Ruth with rest (comfort).  As we are provided rest (comfort) as children of God.

(ii) Chapter 4 – Ruth’s Reward

· Boaz becomes Ruth’s husband thus shu is Redeemed.  As one day, the bride of Christ (the church) will have our lives redeemed with eternal life.

* Romans 11:26-27

* Isaiah 59:20

(c) The problems with this set of teachings, and the problem with taking this kind of liberties with Scripture.

(i) Faith alone

(ii) Contradicts the text of the book of Ruth.

· Ruth 4:17

(iii) It adds to and changes the meaning of Scripture

B) When does the book of Ruth take place?

1) Time of the Judges.

(a) Ruth 1:1

2) Shortly after Joshua’s death.

(a) Boaz is Rahab’s son.

(i) Ruth 4:21

(ii) Matthew 1:5

3) Where does that put us?

(a) The best guess is sometime during the first 3 Judges, Othniel, Eglon, and Ehud, roughly 1375-1315 BC.

C) Ruth’s Character

1) Ruth was a Moabitess

(a) She came to know Yahweh, and even to came to worship Him.

2) She chose the path of integrity.

3) Ruth as a Moabite had very little standing in Hebrew society, Yet, Ruth asked Naomi if she, Ruth, could glean to provide for them.

4) Ruth obeyed Naomi

5) The Israelites acknowledged her as a woman of good character.

(a) Ruth 3:11

6) Boaz is glad of her request for him to be her Kinsman-Redeemer.

(a) Ruth 3:10

D) Boaz’s Choice (that was not a choice)

1) Less of a choice and more of an obligation.

2) Boaz is glad to fulfill that obligation

3) The threshing floor (Ruth 3)

(a) This was not an illicit occurrence.

(b) Boaz’s reaction though shows his willingness to offer said protection.

E) The city gate (Ruth 4)

1) The city gate was where important matters were decided

2) Boaz gathers the necessary people for the transaction.

(a) The closer kinsman wants the land

(i) But not Ruth.

(b) The removal of the sandal

(i) Deuteronomy 25:9

IV) New Testament appearance of Ruth

A) Only in the lineage of Christ in Matthew.

V) What can we learn from the text of the book of Ruth?

A) Love conquers

B) The choice to follow God, is worth the risks

C) Good character and hard work will serve you well in life.

D) Historical value.

E) Love story



May 7, 2023

Prepared by Scott Perkins

The church of Christ at Granby, MO

Located at
516 East Pine St.
P.O. Box 664
Granby, Mo. 64844
(417) 472-7109

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