church of Christ Sermon Outlines

Great Characters of the Bible
King Saul

Lesson 16 – Saul


Saul – שָׁאוּל – Σαούλ


I) Meaning of the name(s)

A) Saul – שָׁאוּל – Σαούλ

1) Asked for (of God), demanded

2)  Other names

3) Samuel – שְׁמוּאֵל – Σαμουήλ

(a) Named (for God), Appointed (by God), Asked for(of God) requested

4) David – דָּוִד – Δαυίδ

(a) Beloved one

II) Family Background

A) Saul was a Benjamite, the son of Kish. 

III) Old Testament Teachings

A) End of the Theocracy

1) Until Saul is anointed king, Israel was ruled by God, occasionally a judge would be raised up to lead and direct the nation in direction God wanted the nation to go.

(a) 1 Samuel 8:5-22

(b) 1 Samuel 8:7

B) Saul, the chosen king

1) Saul was a handsome and tall man

(a) 1 Samuel 9:2

2) God told Samuel that He would bring the man to Samuel whom Samuel would anoint to be the king of Israel

(a) 1 Samuel 9:15-17

3) Here in the beginning, we see Saul is both humble and self-controlled

(a) Humility

(i) 1 Samuel 9:21

(ii) 1 Samuel 10:22

(b) Self-control

(i) 1 Samuel 10:27





4) God granted Saul gifts

(a) First, we have already spoken of his physical appearance, both tall and handsome.

(i) 1 Samuel 9:2

(b) Then God provided Saul with the inward gifts he would need

(i) 1 Samuel 10:6, 9

(c) God provided Saul with protection and assistance.

(i) 1 Samuel 10:27

(d) God provided Saul with victory

(i) 1 Samuel 11:1-11

(e) God provided Saul with the trust of his subjects

(i) 1 Samuel 11:12

5) Here, Saul had it all, looks, gifts from God, God’s favor, victory, the trust of his people.

C) Saul’s downfall

1) Impatience and presumption

(a) 1 Samuel 13:8-14

(b) Sacrifices were to be made by priests

(c) Priests came from the tribe of Levi

(d) Note that Saul was to wait for Samuel.

(i) 1 Samuel 13:8

(ii) 1 Samuel 10:8

(e) Saul’s impatience and presumption led to sin, and the result of that sin was God took His favor from Saul.

(i) 1 Samuel 13:12-14

2) Saul became rebellious and disobedient

(a) The Amalekites

(i) God delivers His commands to Saul through Samuel

· 1 Samuel 15: 2-3

(ii) Saul clearly disobeys

· 1 Samuel 15:8-9

(b) Samuel, on God’s command, rebukes and lets Saul know that God will no longer be with Saul.





(i) God regrets having made Saul king.

· 1 Samuel 15:11

(ii) When Saul was humble, he had obeyed God, and so God rewarded Saul and made him king.

· 1 Samuel 15:17

(iii) Saul made lies and excuses

· I obeyed

* 1 Samuel 15:13

· I did the wrong thing for you

* 1 Samuel 15:15

· They made me do it

* 1 Samuel 15:24

(iv) Samuel calls sin, sin. No beating around the bush.

· 1 Samuel 15:22-23

3) Saul was sent a “distressing” spirit

(a) 1 Samuel 16:14

(i) 1 John 1:5

4) Saul’s jealousy

(a) 1 Samuel 18:7-9

(b) Saul’s attempts to kill David

(i) 1 Samuel 18:10-11

(ii) 1 Samuel 19:1

(iii) 1 Samuel 19:10

(iv) 1 Samuel 19:11

(v) 1 Samuel 19:15

(vi) 1 Samuel 19:20-24 (4 times)

(vii) 1 Samuel 23:15

(viii) 1 Samuel 26:2

(c) David spared Saul’s life

(i) 1 Samuel 24:3-7

(ii) 1 Samuel 26:7-12

5) Saul’s end

(a) 1 Samuel 31:1-6

(b) 1 Samuel 26:21




IV) New Testament

A) Saul is only mentioned once in the New Testament

1) Acts 13:21

V) Things I hope you learned

A) It takes more than good looks to be a godly servant.

B) Understanding the Word of God is more important than worldly success.

C) Obedience to God is the most important thing.

D) Ego, presumption, selfishness, are all names for the same sin.  And if they rule our lives, God cannot.  If God rules our lives, then they have no place in them.

E) No matter how important others think you are, you are still less than the Creator and you have to obey Him.



May 29, 2023

Prepared by Scott Perkins

The church of Christ at Granby, MO

Located at
516 East Pine St.
P.O. Box 664
Granby, Mo. 64844
(417) 472-7109

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