church of Christ Sermon Outlines

Great Characters of the Bible
King David

Lesson 18 – David


David – דָּוִד – Δαυίδ


I) Meaning of the name

A) David – דָּוִד – Δαυίδ

1) Beloved one

B) Bonus Names

1) Jesse – יִשַׁי – Ἰεσσαί

(a) Existence

2) Ishbosheth – אִישׁ־בּשֶׁת

(a) Man of shame

3) Abner - אַבְנֵר

(a) My father is a lamp

4) Bathsheba - בַּת־שֶׁבַע

(a) Daughter of oath

5) Uriah - איּרִיָּה

(a) “Flame of God” or “God is my light”

6) Absalom - אֲבִישָׁלוֹם

(a) My father is peace

7) Amnon - אַמְנוֹן

(a) Faithful

8) Tamar - תָּמָר

(a) Palm tree

9) Adonijah – אֲדֹנִיָּה

(a) My Lord is God

(b) Solomon – שְׁלמֹה – Σολομών

(i) Amends

(c) Prophets of David’s life

(i) Samuel - שְׁמוּאֵל

· Died during the reign of Saul but was the prophet that God used to anoint David King

(ii) Nathan - נָתָן

· Dealt with David’s and Bathsheba

* 2 Samuel 11

· Crowning of Solomon

* 1 Kings 1

(d) Gad - גָּד

(i) Dealt with the census.

· 2 Samuel 24

· 1 Chronicles 21

II) Family Background

A) Youngest of Jesse’s eight sons

1) 1 Samuel 16:10

B) Anointed king of Israel by Samuel

1) 1 Samuel 16:1

2) 1 Samuel 16:7

3) 1 Samuel 16:12-13

(a) “the spirit of the Lord came upon him”

(i) 1 Samuel 10:10

C) Despite being anointed king David served Saul

1) 1 Samuel 16:21-23

2) 1 Samuel 18:2

3) 1 Samuel 18:5

4) David was closer than a brother to Jonathan

(a) 1 Samuel 18:1

(b) 1 Samuel 19:1-5

(c) 1 Samuel 20

(d) 1 Samuel 23:16-18

5) David was loyal to Saul even when Saul sought to kill David

(a) 1 Samuel 24:10-11

(b) 1 Samuel 26:23-24

6) Even after the death of Saul, David never spoke ill of “God’s anointed” king.

(a) 2 Samuel 1:19-27

D) Only person described as a “man after God’s own heart.”

1) 1 Samuel 13:14

2) Acts 13:22







III) Old Testament Teachings

A) David was not accepted by all of Israel only Judah

1) 2 Samuel 2-4

2) He ruled from Hebron

(a) 2 Samuel 2:1-3

(b) Ruled here Seven years and six months

(i) 2 Samuel 2:11

3) Ishbosheth king of Israel?

(a) Ruled two years

(i) 2 Samuel 2:10

(b) Abner led the army of Israel in war with Judah.

(i) 2 Samuel 2:12-3:30

(ii) David curses the house of Joab

· 2 Samuel 3:28-30

(iii) David mourned for Abner

· 2 Samuel 3:31-39

(c) Ishbosheth’s rule ended in assassination

(i) 2 Samuel 4:6-8

(ii) Murder = death sentence

· 2 Samuel 4:10-12

(iii) All of Israel choses David as their king

· 2 Samuel 5:3

· More than 340,000 men attended David’s coronation

* 1 Chronicles 12:23-40

4) David conquered Jerusalem

(a) 2 Samuel 5:6-12

(b) Ruled here for thirty-three years

(i) 2 Samuel 5:5

(ii) David was king was 40 years

· 7 years in Hebron + 33 in Jerusalem

(iii) David defeats the Philistines, moves the Ark to Jerusalem.







B) God’s covenant with David (Davidic Covenant)

1) Came with certain promises

(a) A place for the nation of Israel

(i) 2 Samuel 7:10

· Heaven

(b) That the seed of David would build a house for God, and He would sit on the throne for forever

(i) 2 Samuel 7:12-16

(ii) 1 Chronicles 17:1-15

(iii) Luke 1:31-33

· House of God = Church

* 2 Samuel 7:13

* 1 Timothy 3:15

· Seed of David = Christ

* Romans 1:3

· Sit on the throne forever (Authority)

* 2 Samuel 7:13

* Hebrews 12:2

* 1 Peter 3:21-22

2) This was a Prophecy/Promise of Christ

(a) First was to Adam and Eve

(i) Genesis 3:15

(ii) Promise to Mankind

(b) Second was to Abraham

(i) Genesis 22:18

(ii) Promise to a Nation, Israel

(c) Third was to Jacob

(i) Genesis 49:10

(ii) Promise to a tribe, Judah

(d) Fourth was to David

(i) 2 Samuel 7:12-13

(ii) Promise to a Family






(e) Affirmed by the prophets

(i) Isaiah

· 9:7

· 11:1

(ii) Jeremiah

· 23:5-6

(iii) Ezekiel

· 37:25

3) Like every covenant God gave his people, the Davidic Covenant came with a disciplinary clause

(a) 2 Samuel 7:14

C) David’s “great” sin

1) Sin is sin

(a) Matthew 5:21-22

(b) Matthew 5:27:28

(c) James says the same thing

(i) James 2:8-11

2) The affair

(a) Bathsheba conceives a child with David

(i) 2 Samuel 11:2-5

(ii) David’s lust

· 7th commandment (adultery)

* Exodus 20:14

(b) David tries to trick Uriah

(i) 2 Samuel 11:6-13

(ii) deceit

· 9th commandment (false witness/lie)

* Exodus 20:16

(c) David orders the death of Uriah

(i) 2 Samuel 11:14-25

(ii) Murder by proxy

· 6th commandment (murder)

* Exodus 20:13





(d) David marries Bathsheba

(i) 2 Samuel 11:27

(ii) Theft

· 8th commandment (steal)

* Exodus 20:15

3) The cost

(a) The sword would never leave David’s house

(i) 2 Samuel 12:9-10

(b) Adversity would be his own family

(i) 2 Samuel 12:10-11

(c) The child of the affair died.

(i) 2 Samuel 12:14

(d) Had David not confessed, God would have killed David.

(i) 2 Samuel 12:13

D) Troubles in the house of David

1) Absalom, Amnon, and Tamar

(a) Amnon became obsessed with Tamar. Then he forces himself upon her. Absalom hates Amnon because of Tamar.  Two years later Absalom assassinates Amnon.

(i) 2 Samuel 13

2) Absalom returns to Jerusalem and gains the forgiveness of David

(a) 2 Samuel 14

3) Absalom’s Treason

(a) 2 Samuel 15

(b) Absalom takes David’s concubines

(i) 2 Samuel 16:15-22

(c) Absalom is defeated

(i) 2 Samuel 18:1-18

(ii) David mourned for his son

· 2 Samuel 18:33

(d) David returns to his throne in Jerusalem

(i) 2 Samuel 19:1-23

4) David’s “little” sin

(a) The census

(i) 2 Samuel 24

(ii) The census counts the military aged men in Israel

· 2 Samuel 24:1-9

(b) David immediately recognizes his folly and confesses to God.

(i) 2 Samuel 24:10

(c) God gives Gad three choices for David

(i) 2 Samuel 24:11-17

· Seven years of famine

· 3 months of fleeing from David’s enemies

· Three days of plague

* David’s choice

* 70,000 died

¨ 2 Samuel 24:18-24

5) Adonijah attempts to usurp Solomon’s throne

(a) David was old and Adonijah thought he could simply claim the throne of Israel.

(i) 1 Kings 1:11-27

(b) David then appoints Solomon as king of Israel.

(i) 1 Kings 1:28-40

(c) Adonijah submits to Solomon

(i) 1 Kings 1:50-53

E) David’s death

1) 1 Kings 2:10

IV) New Testament

A) David is referenced 57 times in the New Testament

B) Jesus is the son of David

1) Matthew 1:1

2) Matthew 9:27

3) Matthew 12:23

4) Matthew 15:22

5) Matthew 20:30-31

6) Matthew 21:9

7) Luke 1:32-33

8) Acts 13:22-23

9) Romans 1:3

10) Revelation 5:5-6

11) Revelation 22:16




V) Things to have learned

A) All things happen in God’s time.

B) We must practice patience while we wait for God’s time.

C) We should all strive to be “a man after God’s own heart.”

D) God’s covenant with David is unconditional.

E) Prophecies in Scripture, especially fulfilled prophecies, should inspire confidence in us.

F) Despite striving to serve the Lord, being a “man after God’s own heart,” David sinned.  And he paid the price for his sins.  While we may have to pay the worldly price for our sins, Christ paid the eternal price for our sins.



June 12, 2023

Prepared by Scott Perkins

The church of Christ at Granby, MO

Located at
516 East Pine St.
P.O. Box 664
Granby, Mo. 64844
(417) 472-7109

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