The End of All Things Is Near


Yes, indeed, the end is near!  The end of the Christian age is near.  It was near in the first century and it’s near in the twenty-first as well.  Because this is true, how should we act?  Should we make more specific predictions about the coming of Christ?  Should we go hide in a cave?  We should do exactly what the apostle Peter told his first century readers to do.

Text:  I Peter 4:7


I. Be Serious

· The New Testament repeatedly informs us that Jesus absolutely will return; but not to set up an earthly kingdom in Jerusalem.  He will return to judge the world.  (Matthew 25:31-33)

· Every believer should fix this mind on that great event.  Each day it gets nearer.  (Romans 13:11-14)

· “Serious” means that we are to be of a sober and sane mind, to reason and think properly, to act sensibly.  We are to learn as if sitting at Jesus’ feet.  (Mark 5:15, Romans 12:3)

· We must have the ability to see things clearly, not be drunk on things of this world.  (I Peter 5:4-8)

 II. Be Watchful

· One must be alert for the coming of Christ, be ever vigilant.  (Luke 12:35-37) Do not let your guard down.

· This should urge all to live in anticipation of the end.  (II Peter 3:11-12)

· To be alert, one must be self-controlled and disciplined.  The parable of the ten virgins shows the necessity of being prepared.  (Matthew 25:1-13)

· We must exercise self-restraint; not let emotions rule.  We must not be thrown off balance.  (II Thessalonians 3:10-12)

 III. Be Prayerful

· Our prayers should also involve the anticipation of Christ’s coming.  (Mark 14:37-38)

· Set focus on God and exhibit an attitude of worship.  Be “devoted to prayer.”  (Romans 12:12)

· Satan doesn’t want us to pray.  Prayer is powerful.  (James 5:16, Ephesians 5:18)


The end is truly coming.  Jesus is coming as a thief in the night.  Be serious, be watchful, and be prayerful. 

Bobby Stafford 

March 10, 2013

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